About Seth Godin

Coordinator of The Carbon Almanac. Founder of Akimbo, home of the altMBA. Author of THE PRACTICE and THIS IS MARKETING.

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2024-05-19 16:22:00

If a jacket is made by Patagonia or a piece of hardware is made by Teenage Engineering, you can probably tell who made it the first time you see it, even without a logo. A painting by Sonia Delaunay doesn’t need to be signed to know who it’s by. On the other hand, AppleTV streams […]

Customer math for a new business

2024-05-18 16:29:00

How much does it cost to get a new customer? How much do you make from every interaction with that customer? How long does the customer stick around? How many new customers will existing customers bring you over time?

Semantic algebra

2024-05-17 16:50:00

Doing math problems in your head is a skill. No one is born knowing the answer to, “You have 35 coins in nickels and quarters. They add up to $4.15. How many quarters do you have?” but we can learn. And some people find it easier than others, but yes, we can learn. The same […]

Complaints are a gift

2024-05-16 16:51:00

It’s easy to see a complaint as simple whining, the narcissistic impatience of someone who has enough insulation from the real world that they can share their dissatisfaction over just about anything. But a complaint unheard gives us no way to improve. In our current medical system, doctors can seek to minimize complaints, to explain […]

The obligations of the Town Hall

2024-05-16 16:50:00

A few hundred years ago, small towns in New England embraced the idea of the town hall. Citizens (at the time, just the white men) came together and worked through the town’s agenda. Each person could speak, each person could vote, it was direct and sometimes effective. Part of the innovation was the idea that […]

The unwarranted smile

2024-05-15 16:50:00

When we do something nice for someone, a ‘thank you’ and a smile is nice to receive. And, in many parts of human culture, it’s a bit expected. But when something goes wrong, if we drop a plate or miss a turn or make someone late, it’s particularly delightful and memorable if we are greeted […]

Invention or discovery?

2024-05-14 17:37:00

We can agree that Isaac Newton didn’t invent gravity. It was here all along, but he gets some credit for naming it and describing it. And Columbus definitely didn’t discover North America. There had been people living here for tens of thousands of years before he arrived. After Niels Bohr began describing quantum mechanics, the […]

Pet quirks

2024-05-13 16:54:00

Peeves make lousy pets. They undermine us and put us on edge. But quirks? Little eccentricities we see in the world that offer a cost-free smile. Habits or interactions that always make us a little lighter on our feet and open the door to better… They’re easy to find, not hard to adopt and don’t […]

The strategy sessions

2024-05-12 17:48:00

I’m workshopping a new book. For the last few months, I’ve been feverishly writing a book about strategy. Strategy for individuals, small organizations and large ones as well. Strategy for someone seeking to make a difference, and strategy for people who do projects. Starting this week, I’ll be leading a series of discussions and talks […]

I fixed it for you

2024-05-11 16:01:00

Creativity is about hope and possibility. It gives us a chance to make things better. Plenty has been written about the sad iPad ad that Apple just apologized for. It wasn’t just out of character for the story Apple tells, it was a cheap hack, taking the nihilism and helplessness that some are spreading and […]